Beirut, 18 March, 2019 – In line with the series of events to promote and fund their upcoming “Hiking for Change” project, the X- Club at Haigazian University, hosted three outstanding community influencers, who shared “inspirational talks” with a capacity audience of students, faculty, staff and friends of the University. The Club’s upcoming challenge is a four-day hike of a 70 km trail, in the Lori province of Armenia, during the month of April.
Driven by their mission of engaging people with special needs in the society and helping them in every aspect to fulfill their potentials, the Club partnered with the SESOBEL organization to support their campaign. “For more than 40 years, SESOBEL has taken all possible steps to implement a coherent and monitored service of assisting children with disability and accompanying their families as partners in facing life’s challenges. SESOBEL has worked equally hard with all elements of society for them to recognize the value, dignity, and respect for children with disabilities,” noted Club member David Begliarov.
First to speak was SESOBEL’s spokesperson Elias Tawk, who shared his personal experience with the organization, putting great emphasis on the “personal will” of the person to overcome challenges, in addition to promoting a new mindset of “accepting differences” through changing life perspectives. Tawk considered the “Hiking for Change” initiative a “revolution in society vis a vis supporting people as humans irrespective of their disabilities and differences”.
For his part, Joe Rahal stressed on the right to equal opportunities of the people with disabilities and differences. The 28-year old Rahal, who despite his physical difficulties, currently serves as an advisor in the Lebanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants, showed his full support to the Club, and invited everyone to start the “change” within themselves.
Last but not least, Founder of the Agonist Coffee Shop, Wassim El Hage presented his unique business venture and source of motivation. Inspired by people with disabilities, El Hage opened his coffee shop, which now employs 16 people with special needs. “The aim of the coffee shop is to create a welcoming and friendly environment for those who suffer from disabilities & provide them full engagement in society,” El Hage concluded.
Mira Yardemian
Public Relations Director