Haigazian University


Jul, 03

Haigazian University published the first book of Haigazian Armenological Review for the year 2024, namely book 44/1.

Haigazian University published the first book of Haigazian Armenological Review for the year 2024, namely book 44/1.

In its 422 pages, alongside the editorial on “The Archive: A vast Source for Armenian Studies,” the book hosts a number of research papers pertaining to arts and crafts, folklore, sociology, literary criticism, linguistics, history, the Armenian Genocide, as well as two unpublished documents, two briefings, and the short biographies of the contributing scholars to… Continue Reading…

Jun, 26

Haigazian University Hosts Dr. Harry Hagopian for Talk on Armenian Challenges in the Holy Land

Haigazian University Hosts Dr. Harry Hagopian for Talk on Armenian Challenges in the Holy Land

On Tuesday, June 25, 2024, the Haigazian University “Armenian Diaspora Research Center” (ADRC) hosted a distinguished event featuring International Lawyer Dr. Harry Hagopian. Dr. Hagopian delivered an insightful talk addressing the historical and contemporary challenges facing Armenians in the Holy Land today. The event commenced with an introduction by ADRC Director Dr. Antranik Dakessian, highlighting… Continue Reading…

Jun, 21

Haigazian University Press Publishes its 54th volume: Hagop Der Balian’s How My Days Passed

Haigazian University Press Publishes its 54th volume: Hagop Der Balian’s How My Days Passed

Haigazian University Press published the bilingual memoirs of an Armenian Genocide Survivor, Hagop Der Balian, How My Days Passed. The account narrates the story of Hagop, an 18-year-old from Aintab, whose family settled in Adana for a short while, before being uprooted and exiled to the desert. After losing his parents, Hagop realizes that there… Continue Reading…

Jun, 13



Ամէն կրթական տարեշրջանի աւարտ, խորքին մէջ, կը պարփակէ նաեւ նոր յոյսի ու լոյսի խորհուրդ, ապագայակերտ ճանապարհի վերահաստատում, այլապէս ալ կեանքը իմաստաւորելու համոզում եւ յանձնառութիւն։ Ա՛լ ինչ խօսք, երբ վերոնշեալ մտածումը կ՛առնչուի ակադեմական մակարդակի հաստատութեան մը, որ 69 տարիներէ ի վեր կոչուած է ծառայելու հայութեան ու ամբողջ մարդկութեան, բարձրագոյն ուսում ջամբելով իրերայաջորդ սերունդներու։ Ամբողջ սփիւռքի տարածքին,… Continue Reading…

Jun, 11

Haigazian University Holds its 64th Commencement Exercises

Haigazian University Holds its 64th Commencement Exercises

What feels like the end is often the beginning! On Friday, June the 7th, 2024, despite the challenges that Lebanon and the region are undergoing, another successful academic year came to an end by holding Haigazian University’s 64th Commencement Exercises! Some 123 students from the various faculties of Business Administration & Economics, Humanities, Sciences, and… Continue Reading…

Jun, 11

Commencement Keynote Speaker Ziad Hayek’s Address to the Class of 2024

President Haidostian, members of the Board of Trustees, thank you for giving me the honor of speaking today. Faculty members and proud parents- How wonderful it must feel to see the fruit of your labor and sacrifices produce the Class of 24! Graduates of the Class of 24- Congratulations!… Yes, you made it! Free at… Continue Reading…

Jun, 04

Haigazian University Baccalaureate Service for the Class of 2024 Dr. Michael Bassous on “Being Human”

Haigazian University Baccalaureate Service for the Class of 2024      Dr. Michael Bassous on “Being Human”

“Being human is being created in the image and likeness of our Creator as unique individuals”, said Dr. Michael Bassous, General Secretary and CEO of the Bible Society Lebanon, to the graduating class of 2024, at the Baccalaureate Service ceremony which took place at the First Armenian Evangelical Church, on Sunday the 2nd of June,… Continue Reading…

May, 30

Launching of the New Library System: WorldShare Management Services (WMS)

Launching of the New Library System: WorldShare Management Services (WMS)

After almost six months of hard work conducted by the IT department and the Libraries, Haigazian University launched the new library system, WorldShare Management Services (WMS), thus replacing the old system OLIB. Built by the world’s largest library community, WMS is a next-generation library services platform (LSP) that is entirely cloud based, providing library management… Continue Reading…

May, 29

Stippled Metal Art Taught to Lebanese Armenian School Students

Stippled Metal Art Taught to Lebanese Armenian School Students

This was the third consecutive year for collaborations between Haigazian University and the Hovhannes Sharambeyan Folk Art Museum of Yerevan. Mr. Hovhannes Menoyan was invited to teach the Lebanese Armenian school students about Stippled Metal Art (hammered Metal Art). Mr. Menoyan is a third generation Gyumri blacksmith. His work has been show-cased which led to… Continue Reading…

May, 21

Dr. Sarang Kim as Artist in Residence

Haigazian University Welcomes Dr. Sarang Kim as its First Artist in Residence The Artist in Residence Program at Haigazian University, initiated in May 2024, is designed for distinguished artists and arts scholars. As a first, we are proud to welcome Dr. Sarang (Sarah) Kim, a Korean ethnomusicologist, who will engage in creative and scholarly activities… Continue Reading…