Haigazian University


ITS Department

The mission of the Haigazian University Information Technology (ITS) Department is to provide quality, efficient and time sensitive IT products to all HU constituencies.

Our culture and identity is characterized by the following key traits: ITS is committed to Adhering to Haigazian’s educational and ethical goals by Providing excellence in service to the campus community.

The ITS department is responsible for the planning, implementation, support, and continuous improvements of all of HU’s  information products and services.

The department is further organized into two areas of emphasis: Infrastructure, which covers the areas of network, security, hardware administration, and Web services; and, Applications, which is responsible for all academic and administrative software implementation and support. The ITS employees are required to periodically attend appropriate internal and external training and development programs and certifications.​​​


ITS Department

Heritage Building
Tel: 01/349230 ext: 399
Manager : Mr. Moufid Alam