Haigazian University



The Orientation Program

Since its foundation in 1955, Haigazian University has implemented the Orientation Program, viewing it as the cornerstone for the students’ success in University. As a matter of fact, the program has developed beneficial tools that help the students integrate in the University’s culture. These tools further support them throughout their learning career.

To fulfill its mission, the Orientation Office has developed efficient programs, prepared appropriate reading material, and designed a series of learning sessions (synchronous and asynchronous) and online and on-campus activities enabling the new enrollees to bridge the gap between High School and University, facilitate their transition into a higher education environment, and get acquainted with the HU culture, rules and regulations, quality educational programs, and communal and spiritual life.

The programs’ objectives are to train HU students to develop their abilities to think, research, study, and learn; the program encourages them to understand, respect, and tolerate diversity, and it guides them through the management of their time and life.
Therefore, the Orientation Program is the key to the students’ University success.

Moreover, the Orientation Office strives to adapt to the different changes in both University and society and continually examines the needs of University students. Accordingly, it has developed an efficient and friendly online orientation program which will familiarize students with basic information, guidance, and activities pertaining to both on-campus and online learning environments.

The Orientation Office also conducts regular assessment and evaluation of its programs and services.

Finally, the Orientation Office invites and encourages all newcomers to HU, i.e., Faculty members as well as learners and parents, to call, e-mail, or visit the Orientation Office and to benefit from its valuable program and services.

Mission Statement

The mission of the Orientation Office at HU is to promote the students’ personal academic success and their individual development.

It helps them adjust to HU’s life and mission and understand the value of higher education.
Moreover, the Office’s team is committed to assist undergraduate students in their transitional period from High School to University.


Every student accepted at HU is expected to meet the following goals:

  • To demonstrate an understanding of HU Culture, History, and Mission
  • To recognize HU’s intellectual, cultural, and social climate
  • To develop an understanding of HU policies and procedures, for students will follow these in administrative and academic matters
  • To recognize HU’s expectations of students (e.g., integrity, ethical behavior, social conduct, financial obligations, etc.)
  • To identify possible academic majors and career opportunities
  • To develop critical and analytical skills appropriate for study in a university setting
  • To demonstrate an understanding of how to manage time and life
  • To gain cultural awareness in a culturally diverse environment
  • To identify campus resources [Labs, Libraries, Auditorium, Media Center, Classrooms, Lounges, Cafeteria, counseling and advising services etc.]
  • To establish friendships with other students
  • To develop a sense of belonging to HU


The Orientation Office has three programs: 1) The ‘Orientation Program for New Students’ during which instructors, administrators, and OR assistants help them to become comfortable and acquainted with their university environment; 2) The OR 099 course which is offered online and aims at preparing new students for the challenges they will face academically, socially, and personally; and 3) Services for the students and faculty members to get acquainted with the HU culture and Orientation Program.