Despite the challenging political and economic situation prevailing in Lebanon since two months, Haigazian University celebrated Christmas with a positive note of hope, peace and love, thus successfully ending the Fall semester. All this was possible due to the goodwill and optimism of the faculty, staff and students, along with the support of the University’s Board of Trustees, which instilled the festive feel among the larger Haigazian family.
Celebrations started by lighting the Christmas Tree in the beautiful Mugar garden, an annual tradition jointly hosted by University President, Rev. Dr. Paul Haidostian and the Women’s Auxiliary. The ceremony took place more simply than in previous years, but nonetheless with a greater awareness of the need for solidarity with all who are enduring the current crisis in Lebanon.
In his short prayer of blessing, President Haidostian shared a message of hope, love and peace, particularly focusing on peace in Lebanon and the region, and love and compassion towards the circumstances of the weak and the less privileged people.
For their part, the Spiritual Life group, composed by a cast of twelve actors, and led by the University’s Campus Minister, Rev. Dr. Wilbert van Saan, staged a musical drama entitled “Open Hearts in Bethlehem”, performing a distinctly Middle Eastern retelling of the story of Christmas. The play was written by the late Rev. Dr. Kenneth Bailey, a New Testament scholar who worked in the Middle East for forty years.
Mira Yardemian
Public Relations Director