Haigazian University

Novel coronavirus (COVID-19) information for HU Students and Community

Jan, 11

Dear Students,

Greetings from Campus where we still miss the community atmosphere we always enjoyed. Till things go back to some normalcy, I hope that you and your dear ones are well and handling the challenges of our times in an acceptable way.

The coronavirus cases have spiked significantly lately and hospital occupancy of those who need critical care have reached the maximum levels. To address the situation and to avoid a national catastrophe, the Lebanese government has declared a three-week lockdown that starts from January 7 till February 1, 2021 and even stricter measures may be implemented in the coming days as necessary. As a community, it is also our duty to be mindful and to take all necessary safeguards to limit the dangerous spread of the virus, and therefore, the Haigazian University campus will adopt extra-ordinary measures to provide necessary services to its students.
While you are preparing yourselves for the spring semester which commences on January 18, 2021, which will be taught online, I am sure many of you have concerns and questions regarding registration, enrolment and financial matters. In that respect, I would like to remind you that the University has dedicated the following two hotlines to assist you daily from 9:00am till 6:00pm, except for weekends:
– Information Desk Office: 78-999 618
– Student Life: 76-184542

Also, you will find below the a-mail addresses of key faculty and staff who will be available online to answer your queries:

Academic Matters
Dean Fadi Asrawi, Faculty of Business Administration & Economics: fadi.asrawi@haigazian.edu.lb
Dean Arda Ekmekji, Faculty of Arts & Sciences: arda.ekmekji@haigazian.edu.lb

IT Matters
For any IT related support such as Learning Management System and others, you can address your questions to its@haigazian.edu.lb

Matters related to the Registrar’s and Admissions Offices
The Registrar’s and Admissions Offices will be available to assist you with matters related to registration, change of schedule, policies and procedures, certificates and transcripts, and other student enrolment matters. For any queries, e-mail studentservices@haigazian.edu.lb

For submission of financial aid applications and renewals for current students, email financialaid@haigazian.edu.lb

Submission of Admissions and Financial Aid Applications
Haigazian University is still accepting new student applications online through http://sisweb.haigazian.edu.lb/pls/apex/f?p=107:111

For inquiries concerning applications and admissions, email admissions@haigazian.edu.lb.

The University is also accepting Financial Aid Applications. To download the application press Ctrl and Click on the following link:
– Financial aid applications
After downloading, fill out the application and submit it by email to financialaid@haigazian.edu.lb.

Tuition & Registration Payments
For any questions or concerns regarding financial matters, direct your inquiries to billing@haigazian.edu.lb

Library Resources
The Library staff are already trying to assist students with online resources whenever requested. Library needs can be addressed by e-mail to houry.avedikian@haigazian.edu.lb.

HU Writing Center
For the assistance of the Haigazian University Writing Center, kindly email: writingcenter@haigazian.edu.lb

Student Life Counseling Services
For those students who need counselling support at this stage, you may contact Ms. Rachel Bassous by sending an email to Rachel.Bassous@haigazian.edu.lb

Center for Continuing Education
The Center for Continuing Education is conducting some of its courses online. For further information on available online courses, e-mail to cce@haigazian.edu.lb

We thank you for your resilience while we are bound with physical and social distancing out of deeper care for our loved ones and our community.


Rev. Paul Haidostian, PhD.