Beirut, 21/4/2022
Haigazian University commemorated the 107th anniversary of the Armenian genocide, during an event which took place on April 21, 2022 in the university’s auditorium.
The event was organized by the Heritage Club, hosting former Member of Parliament and lawyer, Mr. Ghassan Mokhaiber as keynote speaker. In attendance were University’s President, Rev. Dr. Paul Haidostian, faculty, staff and students.
The event opened with the welcoming speech of club member Boghos Boghosian.
In his inspiring remarks, Mokhaiber mainly stressed on the importance of ‘action’ and “demand”, especially that the Armenian Genocide has been by now recognized by many states. “We need to make sure that we are active in preventing, not only eventual future crimes against humanity and the gravest one, genocide, but the current crimes against humanity and current genocides,” said Mokhaiber.
Mokhaiber shared few ideas that might become a platform for actions, such as forming a permanent network of parliamentarians from various countries, against genocides and other crimes against humanity, as well as developing tools in reaching international organizations, such as the International Criminal Court and other legal entities at the Security Council, in order to prevent, recognize, and make justice for the crime of genocide.
On a national level, Mokhaiber expressed his pride of the Lebanese Parliament for recognizing the Armenian Genocide by a unanimous resolution on April 2000. On a further note, he considered the Lebanese as well a victim of the genocide, as in 1915 one third of the population of Mount Lebanon perished of famine which was caused by the blockade of the Ottoman Empire.
As a parliamentarian, Mokhaiber concluded his talk by putting great emphasis on core matters and universal values, such as respect towards human beings, diversity and democracy.
Mira Yardemian
Public Relations Director