Haigazian University

First Haigazian University Model United Nations (HUMUN)

Mar, 28
First Haigazian University Model United Nations (HUMUN)

The first Haigazian University Model United Nations (HUMUN) successfully kicked off on Friday the 24th of March, 2023 with 310 participants from 31 schools and 7 universities. This project was successfully planned and organized by Haigazian students under the leadership of the Student Life Office.

The conference, which lasted for 3 full days, was the perfect opportunity for students to explore and experience the full benefits of the UN Model programs and simulations, where delegates play full-fledged roles of their countries or people in committees, thus making a minimized prototype of the actual United Nations.

The simulation exercises included the various UN agencies as well as partner agencies with their respective issues of high relevance and controversy: the UNSC (Security Council), tackled the ongoing Russian-Ukrainian War and the conflict between Armenia/Artsakh and Azerbaijan; the UNWIPO studied the establishment of a pact for Intellectual Property (IP) of genetic resources as well as the protection of designs to ease cross border trade; the IAEA discussed the possibility of ensuring nuclear safety in Ukraine, in addition to managing Iran’s nuclear program; the WHO brought forward lessons learned from Covid19 in anticipation of future outbreaks prevention; the UNESCO studied the protection of cultural heritage sites in conflict zones with an emphasis on Ukraine, Artsakh, and Ethiopia, in addition to the calibration of global education post Covid19 and other ongoing worldwide events and conflicts; the UNWOMEN shared their continuous fight for women’s rights in developing countries, as well as tackled the concept of radical feminism and its negative impacts on women’s rights movements in developing countries; the UNODC countered the rise of illegal arms trade and the protection of children from exploitation in the digital age; the UNHSC (Historical Security Council) discussed the Hungary crisis of 1956 and the Suez canal crisis of 1956; and the UNRWA tackled the Hamas’ usage of UN facilities as military zones, in addition to managing the issue of the rise of Palestinian Refugees as a result of Israeli illegal constructions in the occupied West Bank.

This very enriching experience played an instrumental and holistic role in boosting students’ confidence level, triggering their analytical mind in facing controversial issues, enhancing their presentation and public speaking skills, broadening their exposure by meeting a diversity of people from other backgrounds, challenging their knowledge and the spirit of constructive competition, opening doors to new opportunities and knowledge and mostly enjoying their sense of achievement.

The closing ceremony included the distribution of certificates to university students, and granting various scholarships to school students who won the prizes of the Best Delegate, the Diplomacy Delegate and the Honorable Delegate.

Mira Yardemian
Public Relations Director