Haigazian University

Haigazian University Commemorates the 108th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide

Apr, 25
Haigazian University Commemorates the 108th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide

On Thursday, the 20th of April 2023, the Haigazian University community commemorated the 108th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, during a solemn event, which took place in the University’s Mugar garden.

The ceremony started with students, faculty, staff, friends and neighbors walking through the aisle of the garden, placing white flowers under the “Forget Me Not” flower monument, in respect of the 1.5 million genocide martyrs. This year students of Theological Seminary (Bikfaya) of the Holy See Catholicosate of Cilicia were present as well to pay their due respect.

The program started with a moment of silence, after which Meghry Ishilian from the Heritage Club, presented a quick overview of some historical facts of the Armenian Genocide. This was followed by a rich, yet very touchy musical program: Araz Eleyjian and Alyag Momjian eloquently recited a poem entitled “Nakherkank” by Hovhannes Shiraz ; Lory Gulumian accompanied by Serly Nemshehirlian on the duduk, gracefully sang the “Dle Yaman”; and Garod Kambourian on the guitar with Hasmig Aintablian accompanying him on the flute, sang “Mardigi Yerke” (Song of the soldier).

The ceremony ended with the insightful remarks of President Paul Haidostian.