TAMAS, a project initiated by 5 Haigazian University students, is a Lebanese re-integrative project that aims to build bridges between juvenile detainees and the local society through voluntary assistance of university students.
They participated in the TAQA wellbeing championship which was initiated by INJAZ (powered by UNICEF and Funded by the Embassy of Netherlands). They won 1st place with the highest seed funding of 3000USD, as well as the “Well Being Impact Award”, among 331 teams (youth groups) in Lebanon during December 2022.
The team took the initiative and participated in the 10th Youth Summit with the World Bank Group competition and ranked in the top 6 from a pool of 3000 teams worldwide. Amal El Najjar presented the team’s project in Washington, D.C. on May 26. Following the voting of 1000 delegates from all over the world, TAMAS won the Audience Choice Award from the World Bank Youth Summit. They will also be joining a 6-month long training program with Deloitte.