Haigazian University

Alexandra Adams. Ph.D


Coordinator of the Political Science Department

Assistant Professor in Political Science

Office: MEH 704

Tel. ext.: 358




Dr. Alexandra Adams is a German qualified judge/lawyer and holds a Ph.D. in International Criminal Law (The Definition of Rape in International Criminal Law) from the University of Cologne.

She studied law at the Goethe University in Frankfurt and obtained her law degree at the District Court in Frankfurt, and her judge qualification at the Regional court of Cologne. She assisted defense counsel Howard Morrison OBE QC (now Judge at the ICC) at the ICTY in The Hague. In 2004, she volunteered at the Centre for Women, ESCWA in Beirut.

Since 2014, she has been an instructor of International Law and Political Science at several Lebanese Universities (Haigazian University, LAU, NDU, Phoenicia University, Sagesse, USEK).

She is a member of the ‘Arbeitskreis Völkerstrafrecht’ (German Research Group International Criminal Law) and participates regularly as a judge at the ICC Moot Court Competition in The Hague. She published serval articles and a book in the field of sexual violence as an international crime.



Public International Law, International Criminal Law

Human Rights Law,

International Relations,

International Organizations,

Gender Discrimination

Conflicts in the Middle East,

Foreign policy-making




Sexual Crimes in International Law/Violence against women

International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law (Genocide, Crimes against Humanity, War Crimes).

International Relations and Foreign policy making (security issues)



‘The Legacy of the International Criminal Tribunals for the Former Yugoslavia and Rwanda and Their Contribution to the Crime of Rape’, European Journal of International Law, 29 (2018), 3, 749-769;

‘Sexual Slavery: Do We Need This Crime in Addition to Enslavement?’, Criminal Law Forum (2017), 1-45;

‘The First Rape Prosecution before the ICC: Are the Elements of Crimes Based on a Source of International Law?’, International Criminal Law Review, 15 (2015) 6, 1098-1121;

‘Die Tatbestandsmerkmale der Vergewaltigung im Völkerstrafgesetzbuch von Deutschland`, Zeitschrift für internationale Strafrechtsdogmatik, 12 (2013), 500-513;

‘Der Tatbestand der Vergewaltigung im Völkerstrafrecht’, Kölner Kriminalwissenschaftliche Schriften (KKS), Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 2013.



Doctorate in International Criminal Law, University of Cologne

  1. State Examination in Law (judge qualification), Regional Court of Appeal Cologne
  1. State Examination in Law (law degree), District Court Frankfurt

Programme Etranger, Faculté de Droit et de Science Politique d´Aix-en-Provence

‘Diploma Bàsico de Espanol como Lengua Etranjera’, International Diploma of the Spanish Language, Spanish Embassy Bonn