Haigazian University

Press Release

Oct, 28

Letters from Cilicia, Alice Keep Clark

Letters from Cilicia, Alice Keep Clark

The Haigazian University Press has issued the Armenian translation of the memoires of Alice Keep Clark (1873-1954), the missionary of the orphanage of Hadjin, with an introduction and annotations by Dr. Antranik Dakessian. The orphanage, which had s Continue Reading...

Oct, 02

The Publication of the 40th Volume of the Haigazian Armenological Review

The Publication of the 40th Volume of the Haigazian Armenological Review

“This monumental publication comes at a critical time for both Lebanon and the Artsakh Republic,” stated Rev. Dr. Paul Haidostian during a meeting with the editorial board of the Review held on October 2, 2020. The members of the board share Continue Reading...

Sep, 04

Haigazian University in the Battlefield of the Beirut Port Explosion

Haigazian University in the Battlefield of the Beirut Port Explosion

Beirut, September 3, 2020 Haigazian University in the Battlefield of the Beirut Port Explosion One month has passed on the horrific double explosion that took place at the Port of Beirut, on Tuesday the 4th of August, completely devastatin Continue Reading...

Aug, 13

Appeal to Friends & Alumni

Appeal to Friends & Alumni

On August 4, 2020, the Port of Beirut, Lebanon, experienced a devastating explosion that traumatized the city, leaving thousands of people wounded, thousands of buildings damaged, thousands of people homeless, and hundreds of people killed or mis Continue Reading...

Jul, 23

The AGBU Hadjin Orphanage, 1919-1920

The AGBU Hadjin Orphanage, 1919-1920

The AGBU HADJIN ORPHANAGE, 1919-1920  The Haigazian University Press issued the register of the AGBU Hadjin Orphanage, with an introductory by Dr. Antranik Dakessian. The orphanage was founded in Damascus, during the last days of WWI. During t Continue Reading...

Jun, 25

Producer/Director Nigol Bezjian’s Archives at Haigazian University

Producer/Director Nigol Bezjian’s Archives at Haigazian University

On April 27, 2020, the Derian Armenological Library of Haigazian University was enriched with the archives of the well-known film producer and director, Nigol Bezjian. In his letter addressed to the President, Rev. Haidostian, he writes, "When I Continue Reading...

May, 15

Establishment of the “George M. Kassarjian Memorial Scholarship Fund”

Establishment of the “George M. Kassarjian Memorial Scholarship Fund”

Haigazian University announces the establishment of the “George M. Kassarjian Memorial Scholarship Fund” in memory of the late George M. Kassarjian (1934-2019) thanks to a generous donation of US$200,000, as specified in his will. George and his Continue Reading...

Feb, 24

Dagmar Symes on “Service Excellence: Lessons from the Hospitality Industry”

Dagmar Symes on “Service Excellence: Lessons from the Hospitality Industry”

“The customer journey, the touch points, the emotions involved, the whole service experience and storytelling are fundamental features while striving for service excellence”, said Dagmar Symes, General Manager of Anantara Al Jabal Al Akhdar R Continue Reading...

Feb, 19

Haigazian University, the Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MEHE) and the UNICEF Celebrate their partnership in the “Inclusive Education Programme”

Haigazian University, the Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MEHE) and the UNICEF Celebrate their partnership in the “Inclusive Education Programme”

Beirut, 19 February, 2020 – Haigazian University was designated for official consultancy for supporting the documentation and analysis of the “Inclusive Education Pilot Programme”, implemented by the Ministry of Education and Higher Educat Continue Reading...

Jan, 23

Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Haigazian University and the Education Development Center (EDC) – Higher Education Capacity Development (HECD)

Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Haigazian University and the Education Development Center (EDC) – Higher Education Capacity Development (HECD)

  Haigazian University signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Education Development Center (EDC), implementer of USAID’s Higher Education Capacity Development (HECD) program, aiming at improving the institutional capacity Continue Reading...