Haigazian University

Maximilian Felsch, Ph.D.

Dr. Maximilian Felsch
Associate Professor and Coordinator
Department of Political Science
Office: MEH 704
Tel. ext.: 358


Dr. Maximilian Felsch has been Associate Professor and coordinator of the Political Science Department at Haigazian University since fall 2011. He received his PhD in 2011 from the Graduate School of Politics Münster and was awarded two doctoral scholarships from the German Orient-Institut in Beirut (OIB) and the Friedrich-Ebert Foundation. He received his MA in Political Science at the Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany.
Dr. Felsch is a member of the International Studies Association (ISA) and the German Middle East Studies Association for Contemporary Research and Documentation (DAVO). He regularly publishes articles and commentary on Islamist movements and Middle East Politics – in particular on Lebanon, Syria and Jordan.


 International Relations
 International Organizations
 Regionalism and EU Politics
 Middle East Politics
 Government & Politics in Lebanon


 Regionalism and Regional Organizations



  • Lebanon and the Arab Uprisings: In the Eye of the Hurricane, co-ed. with Martin Wählisch. London: Routledge 2016. ISBN: 978-1-138-88584-4
  • Die Hamas: Eine pragmatische soziale Bewegung? Eine transnationale empirische Fallanalyse der Hamas in den besetzten Gebieten, in Jordanien, im Libanon und in Syrien. New York/Münster: Waxmann 2011. ISBN 978-3-8309-2611-5


Reviewed Journal Articles

  • “The Ascent of Saudi Arabia to a Regional Hegemon: The Role of Institutional Power in the League of Arab States”, International Studies (peer-reviewed Sage journal), Vol. 57, Issue 2: 132-143.
  • “Lebanon’s Inconsistent Foreign Policy: The Dilemma of a Multi-Confessional State”, Middle East Policy, 2020 (in peer-review process).
  • “Christian Political Activism in Lebanon: A Revival of Religious Nationalism in times of Arab Upheavals”, Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism, London, 1/2018: 19-37.
  • “The Arab Regional System after the Arab Uprisings: Reaching Hegemonic Stability?”, Orient I/2018: 16-24.
  • “Die Beziehungen zwischen Israelis und Palästinensern”, Informationen zur politischen Bildung, No. 336: Israel (chapter 6), Daniel Mahla (ed.), Bonn: The Federal Agency for Civic Education 2018: 14-23.
  •  “Qatar’s Rising International Influence: A Case of Soft Power?”, Conjunctura International [peer-reviewed university journal], PUC Minas, Belo Horizonte, Vol. 13 (2016): 24-37.  ISSN: 1809-6182.
  • “Socioeconomic Background and Legitimization of Leadership in the Arab Region”, Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegung, September 2012, Vol. 25 Issue 3: 17-27.
  • “Libanon: Nach dem Krieg ist vor dem Krieg?”, Internationale Politik (IP), June 2008: 94 – 100.
  • “Eine Plattform für Iran und Syrien. Der Libanon wird erneut zum Epizentrum des Nahost-Konflikts“, Internationale Politik (IP), August 2006: 73-78.


Book Chapters

  • “The Foreign Relations of Lebanon”, Lebanon after the Eruption of the Syrian Conflict, ed. Abbas Assi, London: I.B. Tauris 2020 (forthcoming).
  • “The Rise of Christian Nationalism in Lebanon”, Lebanon and the Arab Uprisings, eds. Maximilian Felsch/Martin Wählisch, London: Routledge 2016: 70-86.
  • “Der Libanon zwischen Integration und Fragmentierung”, Kollektive Identitäten im Nahen und Mittleren Osten. Studien zum Verhältnis von Staat und Religion, eds. R. Robert/ D. Schlicht/S. Saleem, New York/Münster: Waxmann 2010: 379-398.
  • “Ägyptens Muslimbrüder zwischen Universalismus und Partikularismus” (co-authored with Marius Meyer), Kollektive Identitäten im Nahen und Mittleren Osten. Studien zum Verhältnis von Staat und Religion, eds. R. Robert/ D. Schlicht/S. Saleem, New York/Münster: Waxmann 2010: 95-114.


Book Reviews

  • “Democracy in Lebanon. Political Parties and the Struggle for Power Since Syrian Withdrawal”, Abbas Assi (London: I.B. Tauris 2016), DAVO Journal, No. 48, 2020.
  • “Israels Schicksal. Wie der Zionismus seinen Untergang betreibt”, Moshe Zuckermann (Vienna: Promedia 2014), DAVO Journal, No. 40/41, 2016.
  • “The Government and Politics of Lebanon”, Imad Salamey (London: Routledge 2013), Middle East Media and Book Reviews (MEMBR), Vol. 2, Issue: 8, August 2014.
  • “Sohn der Hamas. Mein Leben als Terrorist”, Mosab Hassan Yousef (Holzgerlingen: SCM Hänssler 2010), Zenith Online, 27.04.2010.


Conference Papers

  • “The Ascent of Saudi Arabia to a Regional Hegemon and the Role of Institutional Power”, 25th International Congress of DAVO, Frankfurt, 4-8 October 2018.
  • “Christian Political Activism in Lebanon: A Revival of Religious Nationalism in times of Arab Upheavals”, Orient Institut Beirut (OIB). Public Research Seminar, Beirut, 6 July 2017.
  • “The Foreign Policy of Weak States: The Case of Lebanon”, Hong Kong University. ISA International Conference 2017: The Pacific Century?, Hong Kong, 15-18 June 2017.
  • “Der Libanon im Auge des Sturms: Polarisierung und Nationalismus in Zeiten arabischer Umbrüche”, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg. Public Seminar, Halle, 2nd February 2017.
  • “Qatar’s Rising International Influence: A Case of Soft Power?”, University of Buenos Aires, School of Economics. Conference Global and Regional Powers in a Changing World, organized by the International Studies Association (ISA), Buenos Aires, 23-25 July 2014.
  • “Christian Nationalism in Lebanon”, Hood College. Conference Religion and Politics in the Middle East, Frederick, Maryland, 29-30 October 2013.
  • “The Future of Regional Organizations in a Changing Arab World”, University of Warsaw, The 8th Pan-European International Relations Conference, organized by the European International Studies Association (EISA), Warsaw, 18-21 September 2013.

Recent Essays


Ph.D. (magna cum laude), University of Münster, Germany
BA, MA Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany