True to its vision and mission in providing adults with relevant educational opportunities that enrich their personal and professional growth, the Center of Continuing Education (CCE), a division of Haigazian University, has been very active in launching and organizing various programs, workshops, and training courses, both vocational and academic, promoting and preserving the on-going learning… Continue Reading…
Organized by the Haigazian University Model United Nations Club (HUMUN), the second annual Model United Nations conference, HUMUN24, kicked off on March 23rd, 2024, attracting 235 participants from 32 Lebanese schools and 8 universities. The conference, which lasted for 3 full days, was the perfect opportunity for students to explore and experience the full benefits… Continue Reading…
«ՀԱՅԵՐԷՆԻ ՈՒՍՈՒՑԻՉ ՊԱՏՐԱՍՏԵԼԸ ԱՆՀՐԱԺԵՇՏՈՒԹԻՒՆ Է»,- ՇԵՇՏԵՑԻՆ ՀԱՄԱԳՈՐԾԱԿՑՈՂՆԵՐԸ: Կազմակերպութեամբ Հայկազեան Համալսարանի տնօրէնութեան եւ Համազգայինի Կեդրոնական Վարչութեան Հինգշաբթի, 21 Մարտ 2024-ին, տեղի ունեցաւ ուսանողութեան հետ հանդիպում մը, որուն ընթացքին վերահաստատուեցաւ շարունակականութիւնը Համազգային-Հայկազեան երկարամեայ գործակցութեան՝ սփիւռքի հայկական վարժարաններուն համար հայերէնի ուսուցիչ պատրաստելու։ Հայկազեան Համալսարանի նախագահ վեր. դոկտ. Փօլ Հայտոսթեան բարի գալուստ մաղթեց հիւրերուն եւ կարեւորութեամբ անդրադարձաւ հայ ուսուցիչի… Continue Reading…
On Saturday the 16th of March, 2024, the Mathematical and Computer Sciences Division at Haigazian University organized its Fifth Annual Computer Programming Cup for High School Students, with the participation of 51 secondary students from 19 different Lebanese schools across Lebanon. This meticulously designed program, aims at introducing high school students to Haigazian University in… Continue Reading…
The Haigazian University Political Science Society (HUPSS) held two events on February 26 and March 1, 2024, with themes centered around international politics, with a focus on the war in Eastern Europe. The February 26 event focused on the Russia-Ukraine war. The student speakers, passionate for such affairs, including a guest student from Sagesse University,… Continue Reading…
On Thursday, March 7, 2024, Lebanese Caretaker Minister of Information Ziad Makary made a courtesy visit to Haigazian University, accompanied by university alumnus Michel De Chadarevian. During his visit, Makary met with University President Rev. Dr. Paul Haidostian, senior administrators, faculty members, and a number of students. He also toured the campus that was bustling… Continue Reading…
Over a period of one week, expanding from February 15 to 22, 2024, Haigazian University President, Rev. Dr. Paul Haidostian and the Armenian Diaspora Research Center of the University, Dr. Antranig Dakessian took part in various academic events during their visit to Yerevan, Armenia. The rich academic week included the launch of the two books… Continue Reading…
On Thursday, the 29th of February, 2024, Haigazian University organized the Lebanese premiere of the movie “The American Good Samaritans”, in the presence of the film’s producer, Manvel Saribekyan who specially came for this occasion from Los Angeles, California. The event opened with the welcoming word of the University’s Public Relations Director, Mira Yardemian who… Continue Reading…
Haigazian University published the second book of Haigazian Armenological Review for the year 2023, namely book 43/2. In its 564 pages, alongside the interview with three renowned scholars on the definition, agenda and challenges of Armenian Studies, the book hosts a number of research papers pertaining to arts and crafts, folklore, literary critricism, church matters,… Continue Reading…
Haigazian University in coordination with the Mikhail Naimy Mimasuna Association, celebrated the centennial of Mikhail Naimy’s book “Al Ghirbal” (1923-2023) with a one-day conference, which took place on December 15, 2023 at the Media Center of the University. This unique conference that hosted a capacity audience of 100 plus people was also streamed live via… Continue Reading…