Haigazian University

Shaghig Kandaharian-Hudaverdian, Ph.D.

Ms. Shaghig Hudaverdian
Assistant Professor
Department of SBS
Office: HER 309
Tel. ext.: 334
Email: shaghig.hudaverdian@haigazian.edu.lb


Ms. Shaghig Hudaverdian is an assistant professor in the Department of SBS. She teaches  Education, Early Childhood Education and Psychology courses. Before joining the HU faculty, first as a part-timer and then as a full-timer, she had been a teacher in Intermediate and Secondary classes for 12 years, and a school counselor for 8 years. She has been a trainer for the In-Service Teacher Training Program at HU, for the Center for Educational Research and Development (Lebanese Ministry of Education) and for private sector schools.


 Planning and administering ECE programs
 Teaching content areas in ECE
 Quality programs in ECE
 Classroom Dynamics
 Psychology of the Child


PhD. in Educational Sciences, Saint Joseph University
M.A. in Educational Psychology, American University of Beirut

B.A. in Education, Haigazian University