Haigazian University


Human Resources

Haigazian University is an equal opportunity employer offering the benefit of being part of a successful institution in Beirut that has grown steadily since 1955.

Working at Haigazian provides the opportunity to work in a dynamic and diverse environment while providing personal and career growth in addition to an attractive benefits package.


Compensation, Appraisals, Promotion

1. Salary

Salary is the regular monthly payment made to an employee.
Salary and other cash income for staff shall be paid in Lebanese currency. Salary shall, at no time, be less than the legal minimum wage set by the Lebanese Government.
The President, in consultation with the HR Manager and Board of Managers will periodically review salaries based on either the Annual Performance Appraisal (for merit) or on modification of the grade (promotion, adjustment) or in response to Government decrees. Salaries are determined in accordance with a grading system and a salary scale set by the University.
Each job is classified under the said scheme and a salary range is established for each grade and classification. Exceptions to this rule should be approved by the President. Salary increase proposals are prepared by the head of the concerned departments and handed over to the HR Manager for consideration.

2. Overtime

A staff shall be eligible for overtime if he/she works beyond his/her normal weekly schedule with the following provisions:

  • Up to 48 hours per week

Eligible staff shall be compensated for straight time pay or an equivalent compensatory time off. The mode of compensation will be determined based on negotiations between the employee and the supervisor taking into consideration department needs.

  • More than 48 hours per week

Eligible staff shall be compensated for one and a half times the normal hourly rate or an equivalent compensatory time off.

  • More than 12 hours a day

Eligible staff shall be compensated for double the normal hourly rate or an equivalent compensatory time off.

Overtime shall be computed on a weekly basis. The work week is defined as the seven consecutive day period.
Managerial & Supervisory level staff (Grade 9 and above) are not entitled to any overtime compensation regardless of the extra hours worked beyond their normal weekly schedule.
Except for managerial staff, overtime or compensatory time off shall be granted to all staff in accordance with the provisions of the Lebanese Labor Law. Overtime compensation, whether it is cash or time off will be negotiated between the supervisor and the employee.
Overtime shall be assigned in writing by the supervisor and compensation for such work shall be approved by the concerned department Director. (HR.004 – Overtime Request Form)
Both extra hours worked and compensatory time off accumulated shall be recorded on the monthly time sheet (HR.005 – Staff Monthly Time Sheet) and shall be submitted to the HR Department after being countersigned by the respective supervisor.
All staff shall be allocated a period of at least 36 consecutive hours of rest per week.

3. Performance Appraisals

At least once a year, each employee will undergo a general performance appraisal according to a defined procedure (Staff Policy Chapter H Work Performance and Appraisal Procedure with PPD Forms HR006 and HR006 1)
This appraisal is vital to assess objectively each employee’s experience, performance and personal development. Salary increases (Merit, Adjustments) as well as Promotions are based on a minimum of 3 consecutive positive Appraisals.

4. Promotion and Demotion

Promotions are reviewed once every 3 full years of employment or for lesser period in exceptional cases, by the President in consultation with the HR Manager.
All full time employees are eligible for promotion after accomplishing 3 full years of employment and after 3 consecutive years of positive evaluations.
promotions are not automatically granted after 3 years and may be subject to shorter or longer period of time.

Demotions may be requested by the employee (voluntary demotion) for personal and/or professional reasons.
Demotions may be the consequence of a direct request from the concerned supervisor for reasons such as substandard performances or unsuitability to the position. The affected employee has the right to appeal as per the Haigazian University policies and procedures.

Fringe Benefits

1. Family Allowance

A family allowance is payable by the National Social Security Fund (NSSF) to eligible employees in accordance with the provisions of the Social Security Law. Employees are required to report to the University any change in their marital or family status within ten days of its occurrence, and to produce satisfactory evidence in support of the reported change. Upon being properly notified of such change, the University will report it to the National Social Security Fund.

2. Social Security

Employees are covered by the Medical and Maternity branch of the Lebanese National Social Security Fund. Payments to the fund are shared between the University and the employee as stipulated by law.

3. Medical Insurance

In addition to the coverage under Social Security, employees may benefit from a Group Medical/Life Insurance cover under a Class B Policy carried by the University.

4. Worker’s Compensation

Employees are covered for any accident befalling them while on duty for the University by an Insurance Policy carried by the University in accordance with the applicable Lebanese Law. Employees of the University will draw Worker’s Compensation in lieu of their regular salary for such time as they are absent from their work because of any accident befalling them while on duty.
Employees who suffer from a disability caused by an accident occurring during the course of, or arising out of assigned work are covered by an insurance policy carried by the University in accordance with the Lebanese Laws and Decrees.

5. Educational Benefits

a. The University shall subsidize a maximum of LBP 2,550,000 of the educational fees (not including other fees) covering up to three dependent children (minimum age 5), attending regular primary and secondary schools in Lebanon . The above rule shall apply for a maximum period of 13 years. Educational fees up to one million Lebanese Pounds shall be covered in full. In any case the above set cap by employee shall not be surpassed.

b. The University shall waive and/or reduce tuition fees for full-time employees and/or their eligible dependents (Children and spouse), for up to 10 full months or more, if the employee is not in arrears on any University account loan, provided degrees are pursued only at HU. The waiver and/or reduction is provided as follows:

1. 100% tuition fees waiver (administrative fees not included) for persons attending undergraduate programs

2. Up to 50% waived tuition benefits (administrative fees not included) for persons attending graduate programs.

a. This benefit shall apply to full-time employees who have completed at least one year of service for undergraduate studies, and two years for graduate studies. Prior to these set periods, the educational aid shall be provided as per the mandates of the prevailing Lebanese Laws

b. An eligible employee may take a maximum of 12 tuition-free credits during any 12-month period beginning October 1. There is no limit (other than academic) on the number of tuition-free credits which a spouse or dependent child may take during any term or year.

c. Supervisors will not permit an employee to be absent from regular duties to attend classes if the absence would cause a hardship on the working conditions of other employees or result in a deterioration of service.


HR Department

Heritage Building
Tel: 01/349 230 ext: 371
HR Supervisor: Mr. Ashraf Badreddine