Taking the current situation into consideration, Haigazian University has extended the deadline for submitting Fall 2020-2021 applications.
We are accepting applications for Fall 2020-2021 by email:
1- You may download the application form (Undergraduate Application, Graduate Application)
2- Fill it either in PDF, or print it and fill it manually.
3- Email the PDF or scanned form of the filled application to admissions@haigazian.edu.lb whenever you are ready.
4- The required documents mentioned in the application form may be scanned and sent by email.
5- The applicant will receive confirmation of submitting his/her application followed by details of missing documents or requirements.
6- Incomplete applications will be accepted and the missing documents will be provided by the applicant when the emergency situation is over.
7- Applicants who have not yet fulfilled the English Proficiency Requirements of the University should not worry. They will be able to sit for the Institutional TOEFL Exam when the emergency situation is over.
8- If you are planning to apply for financial aid, you may also do so by sending your Financial Aid Application to financialaid@haigazian.edu.lb.