Haigazian University



According to the decree of the Ministry of Education of Lebanon number 3991/3, Haigazian University was recognized as an institution of higher learning on March 25, 1966, and according to decree number 1152/70 issued on May 17, 1971, the B.A. and B.S. degrees were recognized to be equivalent to the license granted by the Lebanese University. The same decree recognized the Normal Diploma as a University Certificate for Elementary and Secondary School Teachers. According to decree number 9657 of the Ministry of Culture and Higher Education, dated December 28, 1996, the institution is authorized to offer several graduate programs at the master’s level.

Membership & Accreditation

The Board of Commissioners of the International Accreditation Council for Business Education (IACBE) is pleased to announce that, at its meeting on December 6-7, 2022, the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics at Haigazian University in Beirut, Lebanon was granted the status of candidate for accreditation.

In granting candidacy status, the Board of Commissioners has determined that the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics has developed an appropriate outcomes assessment plan; has affirmed its commitment to excellence in business education; and has met the IACBE’s candidacy requirements relating to its business programs, resources, and operational processes such that it is eligible to undergo an accreditation review of its business programs.

IACBE Member Status Link

Membership & Cooperation



The University is a member of the Association of American International Colleges and Universities (AAICU) which comprises a number of distinct, university-level institutions in Europe, Asia and the Middle East, within the American system of higher education with its transferable course credits and semester units. They offer curricula which are cross-cultural in content and international in perspective. Haigazian University has cooperative agreements with the following institutions:

  1. American College of Greece
  2. American University in Cairo
  3. American University of Beirut
  4. Franklin College, Switzerland
  5. Institute for American Universities, France
  6. Lebanese American University, Beirut
  7. American International University in London, Richmond College
  8. American University in Bulgaria
  9. American University of Paris
  10. John Cabot University, Italy
  11. Saint Louis University, Spain
  12. American University of Armenia
  13. American University of Sharjah
  14. American University – Central Asia



The University is an affiliate member of the Consortium for Global Education (CGE), USA. http://www.cgedu.org/