A Virtual Lecture on Art (Architecture) Overcoming Adversity From Beirut to Covid Register on Zoom by clicking on the link: https://bit.ly/3myd6o1
Upcoming webinar organized by the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics, entitled “The Lebanese Economy: Recent Problems and a Banking Innovation – the CHO” Webinar to take place on Friday 16th of April at 10:00 am Beirut time. Pls. register on ZOOM at the following link: https://bit.ly/3mw2whd
On 4 and 5 March 2021, Haigazian University organized an online conference on “Religion, Education, and Peace”, in partnership with the Jay Phillips Center for Interfaith Learning at Saint John’s University, Minnesota. The conference brought together speakers from Lebanon, the United States of America, Northern Ireland, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Myanmar, in addition to participants… Continue Reading…
Upcoming online conference on: Religion, Education and Peace Reserve your places by email: rep@haigazian.edu.lb
Organized by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences at Haigazian University in association with the Anis Makdisi Program in Literature at the American University of Beirut (AUB), a one-day virtual symposium titled Centennial of Greater Lebanon Reconstituting the idea of a “Lebanese Identity” Perspectives from the Lebanese Arts and Letters, took place on February 5,… Continue Reading…
Centenary of the ACO On January 28 and 29, 2021, Haigazian University hosted an online conference entitled “European Missions and Protestant Churches in the Middle East: A Shared History in the Twentieth Century”. This event, which was organised on the occasion of the centenary of the Action Chrétienne en Orient (ACO, 1922-2022), featured eleven speakers… Continue Reading…
Upcoming Symposium entitled “Centennial of Greater Lebanon” to take place on Zoom on Friday, 5 February, 2021, from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm To register, click here: https://haigazian-edu-lb.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_chH-r37DSxS-FTGjGLvcSg
Dear Haigazian University students, faculty, and staff, On this first day of the 2nd semester of 2020-2021, I send you my wishes for a sense of renewal of hopes and plans in the coming season. It has been fifteen months, and very little seems normal around us. What just two years ago seemed insignificant or… Continue Reading…
Dear Students, Greetings from Campus where we still miss the community atmosphere we always enjoyed. Till things go back to some normalcy, I hope that you and your dear ones are well and handling the challenges of our times in an acceptable way. The coronavirus cases have spiked significantly lately and hospital occupancy of those… Continue Reading…
On the occasion of its 50th anniversary, the Haigazian Armenological Review (HAR) launched a 428-page anniversary volume – Haigazian Armenological Review Jubilee Volume (1970-2020). This jubilee volume includes a history of the Review, bibliography of its 40 volumes, a number of articles evaluating the historical, linguistic, literary and arts articles of the Review. Also included… Continue Reading…