Haigazian University


Nov, 03

Webinar on Covid and the World of Work

Webinar on Covid and the World of Work

Organized by the Forum for Development, Culture and Dialogue, in cooperation with the Haigazian University Continuing Education Center and the support of the Danmission Middle East, a webinar on Covid and the World of Work took place on October 20, 2021, having as keynote Speaker Mr. Jad Yassin from the Regional Office for the Arab… Continue Reading…

Oct, 27

The Launching of the 41st volume of Haigazian Armenological Review

The Launching of the 41st volume of Haigazian Armenological Review

On October 22, the 41st volume of the Haigazian Armenological Review was launched in the auditorium of the university, in the presence of Haigazian University President Rev. Dr. Paul Haidostian, Rev. Megerditch Karageozian, Head of the Union of the Armenian Evangelical Churches in the Near East, the Second Secretary of the Armenian Embassy in Lebanon… Continue Reading…

Oct, 27

Haigazian University Celebrates its Founders’ Day Dr. Joanna Wronecka: Accountability is a foundation stone for peaceful coexistence and for building a durable social contract

Haigazian University Celebrates its Founders’ Day Dr. Joanna Wronecka: Accountability is a foundation stone for peaceful coexistence and for building a durable social contract

With a sense of pride and renewed hope, Haigazian University celebrated its 66th Founders’ Day, hosting the United Nations Special Coordinator to Lebanon, Dr. Joanna Wronecka as guest speaker. This auspicious ceremony took place on Monday 11 October 2021, in the hall of the First Armenian Evangelical Church, adjacent to University campus, in the presence… Continue Reading…

Oct, 11

Remarks of UN Special Coordinator for Lebanon Joanna Wronecka on Founders’ Day

Remarks of UN Special Coordinator for Lebanon Joanna Wronecka on Founders’ Day

I thank President of Haigazian University Rev. (Reverend) Dr. Paul Haidostian for inviting me to be a Speaker at the commemoration of Founders’ Day and for bringing us all together today for an invigorating exchange of ideas and perspectives on the topic of accountability. A discussion on the topic of accountability is very timely and… Continue Reading…

Aug, 23

Teaching Material on “Documents of Interfaith Coexistence”

Teaching Material on “Documents of Interfaith Coexistence”

The Forum for Development, Culture and Dialogue in cooperation with the Center for Continuing Education at Haigazian University Launches Teaching Material on “Documents of Interfaith Coexistence”   The Forum for Development, Culture and Dialogue, in cooperation with the Center for Continuing Education at Haigazian University and with the Support of Arab Danish Dialogue Program (Danmission),… Continue Reading…

Aug, 18



Dear Haigazian University Community, I greet you sincerely as we go through a long period of instability, deterioration and daily struggle to keep the basics of life even minimally normal. Having completed the past two academic years with relative success, we are hoping that AY2021-2022 will also be possible to face with further resilience, patience,… Continue Reading…

Jul, 09

Haigazian University Commemorates the Centenary of the Martyrdom of its Namesake, Armenag Haigazian

Haigazian University Commemorates the Centenary of the Martyrdom of its Namesake, Armenag Haigazian

On July 7, 2021 Haigazian University marked the centenary of the martyrdom of its namesake, Rev. Prof. Armenag Haigazian (1870 – 1921, Hadjin) who died in Harput, Turkey, on July 7, 1921, with a series of commemorative events in Lebanon and Armenia. Regarded as “the most prominent Armenian educator in the Near East” by the… Continue Reading…

Jul, 02

Haigazian University to Commemorate the Centenary of the Martyrdom of its Namesake, Armenag Haigazian

Haigazian University to Commemorate the Centenary of the Martyrdom of its Namesake, Armenag Haigazian

July 7, 2021 marks the centenary of the martyrdom of the namesake of Haigazian University, Rev. Prof. Armenag Haigazian (1870 – 1921, Hadjin) who died in Harpoot, Turkey, on July 7, 1921. Regarded as “the most prominent Armenian educator in the Near East” by the New York Times, Armenag Haigazian was a theologian, educator, scientist,… Continue Reading…

Jun, 04

Armenians of Iraq

Armenians of Iraq

Haigazian University Press has published the Proceedings of the Conference “Armenians of Iraq,” edited by Dr. Antranik Dakessian, director of the Haigazian University-based Armenian Diaspora Research Center (ADRC). The conference was held at Haigazian University between May 29 and 31, 2017. The 770-page volume includes the following papers: •Bedros Tovmassian, “The Last Era of the… Continue Reading…

Apr, 19

Haigazian University: The Lebanese Economy – Recent Problems and a Banking Innovation – the “CHO”

Haigazian University: The Lebanese Economy – Recent Problems and a Banking Innovation – the “CHO”

The Faculty of Business Administration & Economics at Haigazian University organized a webinar titled “The Lebanese Economy: Recent Problems and a Banking Innovation – the “CHO””, which took place on Friday the 16th of April 2021, on Zoom with a live streaming on Facebook. The two-hour webinar brought together three experts and scholars from the… Continue Reading…