Haigazian University


Apr, 30

Novel coronavirus (COVID-19) information for HU Students and Community

Novel coronavirus (COVID-19) information for HU Students and Community

As the health, safety, and well-being of the Haigazian University community is our top priority, the University continues to close its doors to reduce the number of people on campus and to minimize the chances for the transmission of the COVID-19 virus. The University is operating under the directives of the Ministry of Health, and… Continue Reading…

Apr, 28

Spring 2019-2020 Academic Policies and Procedures

Because of the extraordinary circumstances that have prevailed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Haigazian University will implement new policies and procedures exceptionally for the Spring 2019-2020 semester to ease the pressure on students. The details are available through the following link: https://www.haigazian.edu.lb/spring-2019-2020-academic-policies-procedures/

Apr, 14

Admissions Inquiries

Admissions Inquiries

Are you interested in applying to Haigazian University? Do you have questions about our admissions process? You may now book a one-on-one Zoom session with our Admissions Officers. For more info please click on https://www.haigazian.edu.lb/admissions.inquiries/

Apr, 12

TOEFL Cancellation

The TOEFL scheduled on April 15, 2020 is cancelled.

Mar, 27

Accepting Fall 2020-2021 Applications

Taking the current situation into consideration, Haigazian University has extended the deadline for submitting Fall 2020-2021 applications. You may: Download the application form (Undergraduate Application, Graduate Application). Fill it either in PDF or print it and fill it manually. Email the PDF or scanned form of the filled application to admissions@haigazian.edu.lb whenever you are ready.… Continue Reading…

Mar, 10


The TOEFL scheduled on March 11, 2020 is cancelled.

Mar, 09

Open House

The Open House scheduled on March 12th and 13th, 2020 is cancelled.

Feb, 24

Dagmar Symes on “Service Excellence: Lessons from the Hospitality Industry”

Dagmar Symes on “Service Excellence: Lessons from the Hospitality Industry”

“The customer journey, the touch points, the emotions involved, the whole service experience and storytelling are fundamental features while striving for service excellence”, said Dagmar Symes, General Manager of Anantara Al Jabal Al Akhdar Resort – Sultanate of Oman, sharing lessons learned from her wide range of experience in the luxury and hospitality industries. Symes… Continue Reading…

Feb, 19

Haigazian University, the Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MEHE) and the UNICEF Celebrate their partnership in the “Inclusive Education Programme”

Haigazian University, the Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MEHE) and the UNICEF Celebrate their partnership in the “Inclusive Education Programme”

Beirut, 19 February, 2020 – Haigazian University was designated for official consultancy for supporting the documentation and analysis of the “Inclusive Education Pilot Programme”, implemented by the Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MEHE), in close collaboration with the Center for Education Research and Development (CERD), with the support of UNICEF and the Government of… Continue Reading…

Jan, 23

Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Haigazian University and the Education Development Center (EDC) – Higher Education Capacity Development (HECD)

Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Haigazian University and the Education Development Center (EDC) – Higher Education Capacity Development (HECD)

  Haigazian University signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Education Development Center (EDC), implementer of USAID’s Higher Education Capacity Development (HECD) program, aiming at improving the institutional capacity of the University to deliver Job Readiness programs, in addition to providing expanded job readiness programs and tools. Activated by the United States Agency for… Continue Reading…