Haigazian University


Mar, 28

Conference on “The Retail Industry Trends: Opportunities and Challenges”

Conference on “The Retail Industry Trends: Opportunities and Challenges”

The Faculty of Business Administration & Economics at Haigazian University organized a round table conference titled “The Retail Industry Trends: Opportunities and Challenges”, which took place on Friday the 23rd of March 2018, in the University’s auditorium. The two-hour conference, delivered by experts from the retail sector of the Lebanese economy, covered the areas of… Continue Reading…

Mar, 27

Third Annual Programming Cup for High School Students:

Third Annual Programming Cup for High School Students:

On Saturday March 24, 2018, the Mathematical and Computer Sciences Division at Haigazian University organized its Third Annual Computer Programming Cup for High School Students, with the participation of 38 secondary students from 16 different Lebanese schools across Lebanon. This special program, meticulously designed and supervised by the Chair of the Division, Dr. Hatem Halawi,… Continue Reading…

Mar, 14

Prime Minister of Armenia, H.E. Karen Karapetyan pays visit to Haigazian University

Prime Minister of Armenia, H.E. Karen Karapetyan pays visit to Haigazian University

Beirut, 14/03/18- On Tuesday the 13th of March 2018, Armenian Prime Minister, Karen Karapetyan, heading a high ranking ministerial and economic delegation, visited Haigazian University, where he had the chance to address its students, faculty and staff members. Karapetyan, who was on a two-day official visit to Lebanon, had conducted extensive meetings with the Lebanon’s… Continue Reading…

Mar, 05

Conference on “The Symbolism of Water in Religion”

Conference on “The Symbolism of Water in Religion”

The Department of Philosophy and Religion at Haigazian University organized a conference entitled “The Symbolism of Water in Religion”, which took place on Friday, the 2nd of March, 2018, from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. in the University Auditorium. The conference, which attracted a diverse group of scholars, religious leaders, representatives of NGOs and students, explored… Continue Reading…

Feb, 27

Conference on “The Macroeconomic Aspects of the Lebanese Economy”

Conference on “The Macroeconomic Aspects of the Lebanese Economy”

The Faculty of Business Administration & Economics at Haigazian University organized a round table conference titled “the Macroeconomic Aspects of the Lebanese Economy”, which took place on Friday the 23rd of February 2018, in the University’s auditorium. The two-hour conference, delivered by experts from the banking and hospitality sectors of the Lebanese economy, covered the… Continue Reading…

Feb, 23

Minister Inaya Ezzeddine Keynote Speech at the Seminar entitled: Panel Discussion on the Challenges of Reforming Lebanon’s Public Administration

Minister Inaya Ezzeddine Keynote Speech at the Seminar entitled: Panel Discussion on the Challenges of Reforming Lebanon’s Public Administration

Firstly, I would like to thank you for extending this invitation to me. Being here with you, in the premises of Haigazian University is a source of both, happiness and pride to me. Haigazian University is an educational edifice that joins, in a practical context, crucial academic modernity that is aligned with the progress of… Continue Reading…

Feb, 19

The Dangers of Dieting and Eating Disorders

The Dangers of Dieting and Eating Disorders

On Tuesday the 13th of February, 2018, the Nutrition Department at Haigazian University organized a lecture entitled, “the Dangers of Dieting and Eating Disorders”, which was delivered by Ms. Huguette Abou Khalil, the Awareness Campaign Director at the Middle East Eating Disorders Association (MEEDA). During the one-hour interactive presentation, students, staff and faculty members attentively… Continue Reading…

Feb, 07

Panel Discussion on the Challenges of Reforming Lebanon’s Public Administration

Panel Discussion on the Challenges of Reforming Lebanon’s Public Administration

Under the high patronage of the Lebanese Minister of State for Administrative Reform, H.E. Dr. Inaya Ezzeddine, the Political Science Department at Haigazian University organized a panel discussion entitled, “The Challenges of Reforming Lebanon’s Public Administration”, which took place on Friday, the 2nd of February, 2018, from 6:00 to 8:00 pm in the University Auditorium.… Continue Reading…

Feb, 05

Haigazian University Students Go Global

Haigazian University Students Go Global

  Beirut, February 1, 2018 – On Tuesday, the 30th of January 2018, five Haigazian University students from the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics presented their campaign entitled “Rise Lebanon” to combat religious hatred and extremism at the finals of the “Peer to Peer: Facebook Global Digital Challenge”. Held at the National Union Building… Continue Reading…

Jan, 23

Seminar on Special Education in Lebanon: The Status of Inclusive Education

Seminar on Special Education in Lebanon: The Status of Inclusive Education

        Under the high patronage of the Lebanese Minister of Education and Higher Education, H.E. Dr. Marwan Hamade, the Education Department at Haigazian University organized a seminar entitled, “Special Education in Lebanon: The Status of Inclusive Education”, which took place on Tuesday the 23rd of January, 2018, from 4:30 to 7:00 pm in the University… Continue Reading…