The Haigazian University Discipline and Conduct Board (HUDCB) is composed of the Registrar, the Director of Student Life, the Campus Minister, one faculty representative (usually the student’s advisor), and the chairperson of the SLC.
In certain cases, the University Counselor will be consulted.
A student violating any HU conduct/behavioral rules, laws, or regulations is liable to a set of disciplinary measures, depending upon the extent of his/her offense.
In case misconduct takes place in the classroom, the concerned instructor and the department chairperson join the HUDCB.
The steps taken by the HUDCB in such cases are:
- An oral warning given by the SLO, which will be an extension of personal counseling by the Student Life Director.
- A written warning that the violator is put on disciplinary probation for a semester. Accordingly, he/she is asked to meet certain demands,conditions such as community service for a period of time, and/or to meet with the Counselor.
- A final written warning that the violator is on disciplinary probation till his/her graduation.
- Recommendation for dismissal for a semester.
- Recommendation for permanent dismissal.
A student placed on disciplinary probation is not eligible for financial aid from the University, and is banned from participation in Co-curricular activities. Depending on his/her conduct, the student will be released from disciplinary probation after one semester.