Haigazian University


Types of Financial Aid

A- Need Based Financial Aid:

Available to all students who demonstrate academic achievement and financial need and may range from 10% to 50%. The average percentage of Financial Aid granted is 35% and approximately 60% of HU students receive Financial Aid.

B- Academic Scholarships:

Granted to students with high academic achievement.

1. Full Merit Scholarship of 100%


Launched in Fall 2009-2010, offered yearly to a selected number of new applicants with outstanding academic record. Selection criteria include: High school grades, Baccalaureate exam result, TOEFL score, exhibition of leadership skills and school principal’s recommendation. This merit scholarship is renewable on yearly basis, provided a cumulative average of 85 is maintained.

2. Merit Scholarship 50% and 25%:


Starting Academic Year 2017-2018, the University will provide 50% and 25% Merit scholarships to a number of outstanding students with the following academic qualifications:

Requirements for 50% and 25% Merit scholarships:
– Achieve a cumulative average of 85 and above in the 10th and 11th grades. (50% Merit scholarship)
– Achieve a cumulative average of 80 – 85 in the 10th and 11th grades.
(25% Merit scholarship)
– Meet university entrance requirements.

Conditions to maintain the scholarship:

– Register as a full time student with a minimum of 12 credits.
– Maintain a semester average of 80 during the 1st semester and a cumulative average of 80 and above at the end of every semester.

3. President’s Scholarships:


President’s Scholarships of 30% of the following semester’s tuition are awarded to full-time students who achieve a semester average of 90 or above.

4. Dean’s Scholarships of 25 %:


Dean’s Scholarships of 25% of the following semester’s tuition are awarded to full-time students who achieve a semester average of 85 to 89.9.

5. Restricted Financial Aid:


Granted to students who meet the qualifications specified by the donors.

6. Athletic & Sports Scholarship:


Available to students who demonstrate good attitude, attendance, and performance in sports, and maintain a cumulative average of at least 70.

7. Graduate Assistantship:


Provided on a very selective basis to students recommended by the department concerned.

8. Financial Aid for Graduate Studies:


Need-based grants available to graduate students with demonstrated financial need. Launched in Fall 2008.