Haigazian University


Programs and Courses

We offer three diploma programs:

  • The Educational Leadership Diploma (6 training courses): for teachers of all levels. This program started in February 2019.
  • Diploma for Coordinators and Division Heads Program (5 training courses): for coordinators, division heads, other administrators, and teachers with at least three years of teaching experience
  • Diploma of Special Education Fundamentals (4 training courses): for people with classroom experience as regular teachers, special education teachers, or assistant teachers and people with experience working in a center for special needs children. *In special cases we will accept people who have worked on an individual basis with special needs children.

Participants may take a full program or individual training courses.
To see the training courses and workshops offered in the current/upcoming semester, kindly refer to the Upcoming Courses and Workshops menu.

Participants in training courses must speak, read, and write English well.

All training courses are held online or in a hybrid format via Zoom at a convenient timing.

Note: The Ministry of Education authenticates diplomas from the In-Service Teacher Training Program.

The Educational Leadership Diploma

This Diploma is designed for teachers of all levels, principals, members of senior leadership teams, head of departments, current and future coordinators as well as other administrators who wish to develop their knowledge and skills in effective leadership practices for effective schools. Participants may take individual training courses or the full program (6 training courses). Each course is 15 hours.

N.B. These are non-credit courses. They are separate from the regular bachelor’s and master’s degree programs offered at Haigazian University.

Required Training Courses:

TT 501 Leading With Emotional Intelligence (Online) Ms. Mary Ghazarian Gurunlian

The training course will guide you with interactive methods and games through the various steps of understanding yourself as a leader and being able to put yourself in others’ shoes for effective decision making processes.

TT 502 Building Effective Teams (Online) Ms. Mary Ghazarian Gurunlian

The training course emphasizes on the creation of synergy within various groups to turn them into effective teams that can achieve strategic missions and goals.

TT 503 Human Resources in Educational Institutions – Part 1 (Online) Ms. Reem Al Hout

The purpose of this training course is to develop practical skills in Human Resources applied to educational institutions, having in mind the definitions of mission and vision of a school and ways to transform these into daily effective practices.

TT 504 Human Resources in Educational Institutions – Part 2 (Online) Ms. Reem Al Hout

This training course is the continuation of part 1 with further practices in recruiting, training and guiding talents within educational institutions.

TT 505 Assessment of Instruction (Online) Ms. Mary Ghazarian Gurunlian

This training course introduces participants to various effective teaching strategies found in a 21st century classroom. Next, it helps create a “teacher observation tool” to assess the teaching and learning processes and ensure that the learning objectives, instructional strategies and the evaluation methods are closely aligned.

TT 506 Leadership Communication (Online) Ms. Reem Al Hout

This training course is designed to empower current and future leaders with the essential communication skills required to navigate diverse challenges, inspire teams, and foster a culture of collaboration. Participants will delve into various aspects of leadership communication, from understanding foundational principles to mastering advanced strategies for effective communication in leadership roles.

*The training courses for this Diploma can be taken in any order, except for TT503 and TT504, where TT503 must always precede TT504.

Diploma for Coordinators and Division Heads: Training Courses

(For coordinators, division heads, and other administrators)

The Diploma for Coordinators and Division Heads Program is designed for current and future division heads and coordinators as well as other administrators who wish to develop their knowledge and skills in their various areas of responsibility. Training courses are based on theory and build on the participants’ experience through interactive methods. Participants may take individual training courses or the full program (5 training courses). Each course is 30 hours.

N.B. These are non-credit courses. They are separate from the regular bachelor’s and master’s degree programs offered at Haigazian University.

Required Training Courses:

TT 101 Basics for Coordinators & Division Heads (Online) Ms. Reem Al Hout

Emphasis is on the roles, tasks, and processes involved in supervisory practice based on theory and research in education. This training course is designed to examine the strategies and skills for analyzing the personnel functions in educational administration. Areas of responsibility to be explored are: conflict management, time management, leadership skills, communication, and conducting meetings.

TT 102 Working with the Curriculum (Online) Dr. Juhaina Musharrafieh

This course examines the nature, theories, and design of curricula. Participants will be engaged in reflecting on what a curriculum involves, who makes the decisions regarding what to include in it, and what are the direct and indirect implications of any curriculum design on instructional approaches, assessment strategies, and differentiation of instruction. They also design a complete instructional unit.

TT 103 Professional Development (Online) Ms. Lina Osseiran

Professional development in an educational setting improves both the quality of teaching and student learning. Thus, the primary focus of this training course is to develop skills and strategies to identify professional development needs and correlate them with students’ needs for the purpose of meeting school goals and objectives.

TT 104 Supervision of Instruction (Online) Dr. Juhaina Musharrafieh

The purpose of the training course is to develop the skills for effective supervision of instruction in a classroom setting. The course focuses on the supervision of classroom environments and the relationship of instructional procedures to the characteristics of effective teaching and learning. Emphasis will be placed on various instructional strategies and teacher evaluation as well as productive supervisor/teacher relationships.

TT 106 Developing Leadership Skills (Online) Ms. Lina Osseiran

This training course is designed to empower current and future school division heads and coordinators with the essential leadership skills necessary for effective and impactful leadership within an educational setting. Participants will explore key leadership concepts, engage in practical exercises, and develop strategies to enhance their leadership capabilities.

*The training courses of this Diploma can be taken in any order; TT 101 does not have to come first. A certificate is granted upon completion of each training course. The Diploma is awarded as long as all training courses are completed within 3 academic years.

Diploma of Special Education Fundamentals: Training Courses

(For regular teachers, special education teachers, or assistant teachers and people with experience working in a center for special needs children)

The Diploma of Special Education Fundamentals Program is designed to provide teachers with a basic understanding of special education and basic skills to deal with special needs children. It is for people with classroom experience as regular teachers, special education teachers, or assistant teachers and people with experience working in a center for special needs children. In special cases we will accept people who have worked on an individual basis with special needs children. Participants may take a single training course or the full program (4 training courses). Each course is 26 hours.

N.B. These are non-credit courses. They are separate from the regular bachelor’s and master’s degree programs offered at Haigazian University.

Required Training Courses:

TT 201 Special Education: An Introduction (Online) Ms. Juliana Saradar Eid

This training course creates a general understanding of special education issues through a brief overview of special education as well as an introduction to IEP (Individualized Education Program) and teaching strategies. Participants are introduced to the characteristics of children with learning difficulties, including issues of memory and attention.

TT 202 Special Education Core Skills for Teachers (Online) Ms. Juliana Saradar Eid

The training course focuses on classroom management and behavior modification techniques for special needs students. It will help teachers gain an understanding of the causes of disruptive behavior in their classrooms and of the environmental factors influencing this behavior.

 TT 203 Positive Discipline in Everyday Teaching Part 1 (Online) Ms. Juliana Saradar Eid

Positive discipline is a method of teaching that supports children to become successful, independent and life-long learners. It gives them the information they need to learn, and supports their development. Positive discipline is about educating children core values such as non-violence, empathy, self-respect, human rights, and respect for others.

TT 204 Positive Discipline in Everyday Teaching Part 2 (Online) Ms. Juliana Saradar Eid

Every classroom is as unique as a mosaic composed of a variety of students with different intelligences, backgrounds and skills. To respond, teachers need to instruct students in academic subjects using a variety of techniques, strategies, assessment methods, communication and collaboration for the best interest of the students. Creating Responsive Classrooms provides observation and listening techniques that enable individualistic responses.

*TT202 is a training course that requires completion of TT201, while TT204 requires completion of TT203.

Typically, TT201 and TT203 are offered during the FALL semester, and TT203 and TT204 are offered during the SPRING semester.