Haigazian University


Lifestyles & Social Issues

The Lifestyles & Social Issues program includes training courses, lectures, and workshops. They are open to individuals 18 years or older. Classes may be given in English, Arabic, Armenian, or French. Format, number of hours, and fees will be announced when the training course, lecture, or workshop is offered. (HU is under no obligation to offer the listed topics at all times.)

Interfaith Coexistence (Courses/Lectures)

The term ‘Interfaith Coexistence’ refers to the constructive and cooperative interaction between people of different religions, faiths or spiritual beliefs, with the aim of promoting understanding between different religions to increase mutual respect and acceptance. This course will explore recent articles and major documents on Christian-Muslim dialogue which are critical in defining the religious climate in the wider Middle East and beyond and will give you a deeper understanding on where interfaith dialogue stands today.

Arts and Crafts

Make decorations and gifts for yourself and others; work with different materials such as fabrics, paper, wood, and clay.

Be an Actor!

Have fun!  Learn the fundamental principles of acting; develop your self-expression and self-confidence.

Childhood Problems: How to Deal with Them

Common problems of child rearing and topics of interest to the participants.  Possible factors; possible solutions.

Civil Marriage

Legal, social, and moral issues; models of civil marriage in various countries.

Conversational Arabic for Beginners

Learn to speak the Arabic commonly used in Lebanon at a basic level.

Conversational Armenian for Beginners

Learn to converse at a basic level with your Armenian friends and business associates.

Conversational English

Enjoy conversations about a variety of topics while increasing your vocabulary and fluency.

Depression and How to Deal with It

What is depression?  Case studies; everyday strategies for dealing with depression, including physical health, exercise, and psychological strategies.


Basic principles of drawing and plastic elements in art (line, form, volume, color, etc.); develop your creativity.

Environmental Issues and Lebanon

Lebanon’s environmental problems (pollution, desertification, quarries, etc.); action taken here and elsewhere; how you can make a difference.

Film Appreciation

Enhance your understanding and enjoyment of films; with guidance from an expert, watch and discuss films by different directors.

Health Issues and You

Common health problems and topics of interest to the participants.  How to avoid these health problems; how to improve your life if you have them.

Music Appreciation

Music Appreciation courses are designed to enhance understanding and appreciation of  music.  Courses given in different sessions cover different eras, composers, types of music, etc.  Participants learn the tools for intelligent listening through brief lectures, listening, viewing, and discussion.

Stress Management

Factors that contribute to stress, both personal and social; everyday techniques for stress reduction and coping.


Workshops on a variety of painting topics are offered. They cover different types of paints and different subjects.

Women’s Issues

Concerns of women in Lebanon and elsewhere, e.g. marriage and divorce, harassment and abuse, self-esteem; topics of interest to the participants.