Haigazian University


Actors Club

(Founded 1966)

Description: The Club cultivates and develops acting talent; it helps students experience acting in public plays, under the supervision of a professional director.​

Objectives: To build friendly relations between students, to help students recognize their acting potential, to promote theatre culture and to entertain the university community and public.

Guidelines: The Club functions with the guidance of an instructor or a director..

Past Achievements: ​ The Club has staged eleven public performances:

  • “Funny Money” (2014),
  • “The Odd Couple” (2013),
  • “Six Characters Looking For an Author” (2012),
  • “The Dinner Party” (2011),
  •  “We Won’t Pay!” (2010),
  • “Rumors” (2008), “Noises Off” (2007),
  • “Arb3a Lawannous” (2006),
  • “Come Back Tomorrow” (2005),
  • “Antigone” (2004),
  • “Hello Out There” (2001)

In 2014 the club received “The Most Outstanding Performance of The Year” award.

Upcoming Event(s): Staging of a ne​​​​w play, participation in international theater festivals and inter-university festivals in Lebanon.