Haigazian University


Music Club

(Founded 1957)

Description: Two different music groups constitute the Music Club. They are the Classical group and
the HU Bands. They organize musical activities and perform during Awards Day and other HU student social functions.

Objectives: To share, experience, and express themselves through different flavors of music and to perform and spice up the mood for all the students, faculty and staff during HU social gatherings.

Membership. Every musically talented HU student is encouraged to join the Club.

Past Achievements: The groups have recently performed during the Outdoors, Orientation, and Awards Days and participated in off-campus concerts. Since 1993 the Classical Music group has organized traditional semestrial concerts for the HU community.

Upcoming Event(s): The Music Club will go on practicing and performing during a number of Haigazian occasions. In 2014, the Club received “The most supportive club” prize.