Haigazian University


Women’s Movement Club

Description: The Women’s Movement Club (WMC) is a social club at Haigazian University that plans events that acknowledge the issues related to feminism and equality. Feminism is not preferring one gender of the other, it is admitting to the faults of culture, social relations, and traditions. There isn’t a superior individual, but a superior community as a team.

Objectives: We clarify aspects and topics related to equal pay, oppression, and gender superiority. We encourage freedom of choice and condemn victim blaming. In short, our main aim is to be the voice of every free and oppressed female.

Past Achievements: Being the newest club at Haigazian University, we consider every event an achievement on its own. Some of the popular events we organized were “breast cancer awareness”, “sexual harassment awareness”, and “women’s day” . However, our most remarkable event was the “Self-Defense Session” in which female students were given the opportunity to learn very effective techniques and strategies for defending themselves.